Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Mother's Day, Birthday, Anniversary, Birthday, Father's Day!

Dave and I went on our 2nd annual "Happy Everything" Getaway!  We have lots of special events that fall within a month time span, so we dropped the girls in Austin with Mamaw and Peepaw and headed down to the Fredericksburg hill country for some much needed rest and relaxation!  Thank you mom and dad for giving the girls such a memorable time in Austin and treating us to time away....

So peaceful and pleasant to just drive around...

A side trip to Luckenbach

Enjoying a fun dinner at a local German restaurant

16 months!

Here are the girls at 16 months!  Along with Anna turning 16 months came her mysterious exposure to chicken pox.  She handled it like a champ and was such a trooper through all the discomfort.  I would post pictures of the pox, but it would just make you sad, so I decided to leave you with the picture of her below instead....