Monday, May 9, 2011

Peepaw to the Rescue!

Dave recently went on a business trip to Atlanta for a week, and my dad came up to help me out while he was gone. He actually gave me a "homework" assignment even before he get a list together of the things I wanted him to cook, places I wanted to go (by myself!), activities he could do with the girls, and what their schedules were! Twist my arm. :) So needless to say, my dad is amazing. He planned meals. He grocery shopped. He cooked. He did the dishes. He cleaned. He gave Katelyn baths and brushed her teeth. He made her lunch and got her ready for school. He fixed her hair. He held Anna when she was crying (...and crying and crying) and played with her when she wasn't. He encouraged me to rest and take a load off. And so much more....Thank you Peepaw for coming to the rescue. I'm not sure what we would have done without you--definitely not had as much fun, that's for sure.

Katelyn and her Peepaw

Rough day.

My dad is a grill master!


Brittany said...

that's the cutest peepaw i've ever seen!

p&k said...


Your dad should teach a home-ec course . . . or something.

Seriously, sounds like the service he provided you that week is marketable!

dabradberrys said...

In that picture of Anna and I, it appears to show me to be shell shocked. It's hard to see but my hair really is standing on end. I wouldn't have traded it for anything. I had a great time. I'll do it again in a heart beat.

dabradberrys said...

Actually, he appears to be "yell" shocked. I am so glad you got to experience his servant heart.