In Katelyn's preschool class, as a reward each week, the students drew a prize (ie: candy, small toy, etc) out of a treasure chest. She would always look forward to Thursdays and ask, "Mommy, is today treasure chest day?" So when school was over and Katelyn understandably still wanted to choose a prize out of a treasure chest, I decided to create a special "summer treasure chest" for her! She chose fun outings/events that she wanted to do this summer, we wrote them on pieces of paper and threw them in a shoebox she decorated.....It has been so fun drawing one out each week and checking fun things off our list!
Things done:
Eat at Corner Bakery Cafe
Invite Kate and Watson to our house for play date
Invite Reese to come over and swim
Get popcorn and Coke at Target snack bar
Go to read books at kid's section of Barnes and Noble
Go to the fountains at nearby shopping area
Things still to do:
Make something from kids cookbook
Go to community water park
Go to mall play area
Get slushy from Target snack bar
Go to
Cabela's outdoor store (amazing indoor "zoo" display)

This SO beats the preschool treasure chest, Kristen. Love this!
i think i'm going to make a treasure chest for myself...
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