Monday, April 12, 2010

A Worthy Loss

In honor of my sweet mom, who successfully fought the battle against breast cancer last year, I (and my two younger sisters) have all been growing our hair out the last few months in an effort to have 8 inches to donate to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths hair donation program (like Locks of Love, but for adults with hair loss due to cancer). When all was said and done, we measured our ponytails before we mailed them in and we all ended up getting 11 inches cut off! Not quite sure how that happened, but you can't ever have hair too short when preparing for a hot Texas summer, right?! Here are the before and after pics.....


The Scott's said...

LOVE the cuts! Y'all look so cute and I love it that you did it in honor of your Mom! How cool is that??!!

p&k said...

LOVE THIS!! (And you look great!)

Brittany said...

1. Love the title of this post.
2. Love that I have this memory with you and Jess.
3. Let's do this again in two years. We should have about 12 inches to cut off at that point.

Megan said...

I think it was wonderful that you and your sister were able to do this!!

Jessica said...

A worthy loss indeed. I'm so thankful that I have this memory of us. Love you two!

dabradberrys said...

Thanks guys! You are each so loving and special. I am so blessed to be your mom.