Monday, May 9, 2011


I was just looking back over our blog posts/pics/videos from the past three months (Katelyn loves to do that!), and in doing so, I realized that I forgot to highlight a very important person and event surrounding Anna's birth! Rewind about three months...

I volunteered to host my sister Brittany's 25th birthday party at our house (or maybe she asked me and I agreed...either way, I was happy to do it!). Her birthday was Tuesday, February 1st, and she decided to have the party on her actual birthday (smart thinking Britt!). However, if you live in the Dallas area, you may remember the crazy snow/ice storm we had that week, so the party was canceled and rescheduled for the following Tuesday, Feb. 8. I called Brittany that morning, and I think my exact words were something like, "Brittany, you probably need to plan on packing your overnight bag to stay with Katelyn tonight....and maybe the night after that. I haven't been to my doctor's appointment yet this morning, but I think today's the day!" She arrived at our house that afternoon, and since my contractions were still not very consistent and I wasn't in a noticeable amount of pain, we decided to start preparing for her "make your own pizza" party! People started arriving around 7ish, and although my contractions were getting stronger, they still weren't a consistent amount of time apart (30 minutes here, 15 minutes there...). I just excused myself when I felt one coming on, and then back to the party I went! Everyone had left the party by 10ish and Dave and I followed shortly after. We checked in to the hospital a little after midnight (right before another ice/snow storm hit) and Anna was born at 3:24 a.m. So....we started out the night celebrating one birthday, and when all was said and done, ended up celebrating two!

Brittany, please accept this long overdue "Thank You!" for the sweet way that you cared for Katelyn (in so many ways!) during this big transition in her life and in our family. You love us well, and we are thankful.

The birthday girl!

Let the good times roll!

Last picture as a family of three!

Birthday girl #2!


Brittany said...

yay for birthdays and yay for family! love y'all!

p&k said...

LOVE this story . . . thanks for sharing it, even though it entailed a rewind!

LOVE the package of goodies you sent our way! Thank you so much!

LOVE that you totally updated your blog . . . getting some McCurdy McMemos catch up this evening!!

dabradberrys said...

What a great sister and Aunt.