Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mrs. Jean

Our next door neighbors recently had the husband's mom, "Mrs. Jean," move in with them due to her deteriorating health and need to not live completely on her own.  However, since the husband and his wife work all day, she is there by herself a lot.  The girls and I started visiting her every afternoon on their front porch for a few minutes.  It is such a sweet time!  Mrs. Jean always has a treat for each of the girls, and they love it.  Side note: This totally reminds me of my next door neighbor when I was growing up...she would always do the same for me when I went over to say hello!  Anna especially gets excited when its time to walk next door and visit.  :)  Here is a picture of sweet Mrs. Jean and the girls.


p&k said...

Aww. Love this. :) And the sweet Brittany post. Love you guys, and like reading your updates too.

Brittany said...

Mrs. Jean is so precious. I love that the girls will have this fun memory to look back on when they are older!

dabradberrys said...

She definitely looks like "sweet" Mrs. Jean. I'm sure that she enjoys the girls (and you) too!