Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Happy Belated Easter!

We had a great Easter...yes, I know that was at the end of March, and its the middle of May, but I figure if I tell you in May about our Easter, it just allows the celebration to continue that much longer!  I mean, really...Can anyone ever get tired of celebrating Easter?  He is Risen Indeed!!!  

Girls in their Easter dresses!  Thank you Mamaw!
Easter lunch picnic on front porch
Dying eggs at home
Making Cinnabunnies at Mamaw and Peepaw's house
We also made an Mini Resurrection Garden Easter Craft.  Apparently the grass seed was supposed to grow after about a week, but ours never did. :(  It could possibly be due to the fact that we left it out on the back deck one night and it flooded during a torrential downpour! 
And a quick word from Katelyn: we had lots of fun.  love, katelyn

1 comment:

dabradberrys said...

love those cinnabunnies! The girls look so grown up in their Easter dresses.