Thursday, May 14, 2015

Rookie of the Week!

In January, Katelyn was chosen from all four of the first grade classes as the Rookie of the Week.  One student is chosen from each grade level each week of school, and this is an honor given to a student who has stood out in some way to his/her teachers.  Congratulations Katelyn!  We are so proud of you! 

The picture above is hung on the bulletin board near the front of the school, and stays there for the rest of the year, as other students are added.  Katelyn is pictured at the far right, and this is what is said by her name:

1st grade- Katelyn McCurdy (Siske) Katelyn is very respectful and always helpful to her peers and teachers.


Mamaw said...

Congratulations Katelyn! These are qualities of leadership and caring. Keep it up!

Jess said...

You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Two of the best qualities to be recognized for! You're a difference maker, Katelyn!