Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chickfest 2009

Chickfest is a tradition that originated about seven years ago with the four "chicks" you see below. Although it has evolved over time as some have moved and had kids, the purpose has remained the same....to get together at the Christmas holidays and have a weekend filled with some sweet girly fellowship! Total chickfest participants this year: 4 moms, 3 husbands, and 7 kids. See pictures below to experience the fun for yourself....

Dedicated Chickfesters (from left to right: Dayna, Carrie, Dangela, and me)

The group--From left to right: Four Hills, Three McCurdys, Two Lampmans (husband and other two sons had to stay behind in Baltimore), Five Ebelings, and a partridge in a pear tree!

We included the husbands and kids (at least those who could be there) this year...here is a picture of a few of them lounging around (from left to right: Dangela's husband James and dog Bunker; Dayna's son Luke, husband Jeremiah, and twin sons Hayden and Taylor).

We went to a Breakfast with Santa hosted by the preschool Dangela teaches at. This was Katelyn's first encounter with Santa and did great!

Molly, Katelyn, and Piper at Breakfast with Santa


Jessica said...

love it! so, so, so cute!

Brittany said...

I think I might steal this idea...