Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

This picture wasn't taken on Mother's Day, but it was too cute not to include with this post!

I had such a fun Mother's Day! Below are a few things that made it fun:

1) I went with my sister Brittany to get a pedicure and out to lunch (thanks for lunch Britt!)

2) Katelyn and I snuggled up and took a nap together on the couch! She hasn't been napping very well lately, so for her to take a nap was a gift in itself, and the fact that she was snuggled up with me while she was taking it, was just icing on the cake! Wish I had a picture of it, but I was too busy enjoying my nap!

3) Dave was Mr. Mom for the day (and what a great mom he was!), and I had the day "off."

4) We ate a yummy dinner at Pei Wei as a family that evening--moms ate free on Mother's Day!!


Brittany said...

Look at your sporting your cool mom haircut and ouftit! So hot!

Jessica said...

Yes, you are an amazing mom!