Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Happy Others Day!

No. I did not forget the "M" in Mother's Day.  I intentionally wrote Other's Day.  The idea for Other's Day came last Saturday when I realized that all the things we planned to do that day had something in common...they were all benefiting other people. 

1)  Buy food to donate to the "Stamp Out Hunger" campaign organized by the US Postal Service.  You buy non-perishable items, put them in a bag, set it by your mailbox on May 10, and the postal service picks it up when they deliver your mail that day and then takes it to a local food bank.

Delivering Hope
No, this isn't us, but since I didn't take any pictures, I just pulled this off the webpage. :)

2) Make banana bread for the mom of a new student in Katelyn's class....she just had knee surgery and is laid up in bed for two weeks.

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread II Recipe

3) Make butterfly craft to deliver to ladies at local nursing home on Mother's Day.


Jess said...

We have our sweet butterfly on our fridge. Love those! Whether you know it or not, you are instilling amazing virtues in your children through experiences like Other's Day.

Mamaw said...

how sweet! I love all of these and am so glad you and the girls are joyful in your giving and serving.

Brittany said...

Thanks for letting me take part in "Happy Others Day" at the nursing home. So fun!