Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Our Shooting Star!


Every week at Katelyn's school, one student from each grade level receives the "shooting star" award.  Students who receive this award are chosen based on a specific character trait they exhibit.  So...you guessed it!  This past week, our sweet Katelyn was chosen as the kindergarten "shooting star."  She received the award for exhibiting the character trait of curiosity.  In case you're wondering....this is a good thing!  When she went to the library with her class, the librarian told the kids to visit a particular website that would help them practice their reading.  However, there wasn't any documentation given to the students to take home (reminder: these kids are five and six years old...I can't remember things like that on a daily basis, and I'm 35!!).  Because Katelyn LOVES to read, she was insistent on me finding this "mystery" website.  She knew exactly what it looked like and what I would need to do once I got there.  Problem was, I could never get there.  Finally, in a moment of desperation (for both of us!), I decided to e-mail her teacher and ask about said website.  She e-mailed back an eight-step process to get to the page that Katelyn recognized.  So....her teacher told the librarian that Katelyn was the only student in all four classes of kindergarten who tried to find the website...thus the character trait of CURIOSITY!  Way to go Katelyn!  We are so proud of you and every bit of your curious self!


Jess said...

way to go katelyn!!!!

Brittany said...

Who ever said curiosity killed the cat? Curiosity sometimes gets that cute Hello Kitty a shooting star!

dabradberrys said...

Carston sounds like a really nice guy. I love it that he is artistic like Katelyn. We are also proud of her for being selected as the Shooting Star.