Monday, March 16, 2009

Mom Monday: Update #4!

My mom is doing well! Katelyn and I actually rode with my sister Brittany down to Austin for a couple days this past week because Brittany had a business conference to attend! My dad had Wednesday and Thursday off so Katelyn and I got to spend both days with him! The whole trip was such a treat...just getting to hug my parents around the neck was something I've really needed these past few weeks! My mom and dad are leaving next week for a trip to Washington D.C. My mom has a meeting to attend, so they thought they would make a little vacation out of it! Have fun mom and dad! Also, I wish I had some pictures to post, but I completely forgot to take any while I was home! So, in closing, I will just share another characteristic that I appreciate about my mom...I love that she prays for people on the spot. For example, if someone shares with her a situation they would like prayer for, instead of my mom saying, "Sure! I'll be praying about that!" she says, "Sure! Can I pray for you right now?" I love that! And while we're on the subject of appreciating people, can I just say that I really appreciate my dad too? I was reminded (as I am each time I go home) of just how much I LOVE my dad's sense of humor! I also have really enjoyed hearing about and seeing the way he has cared for my mom through these past couple of months. My mom's next chemo treatment is Thursday, March 26, so I'll continue to keep you posted as I have updates.

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