Monday, March 2, 2009

Mom Monday: Update #2!

Here is today's update! My mom is actually going through her first chemo treatment today (probably right now as I type this)! Her chemo--which was supposed to start last Wed. or Thurs--was postponed because her insurance didn't give her authorization for treatment as part of the chemo study she is in. Below is an e-mail I received from my mom last Wednesday:

Chemo is postponed, so won't happen tomorrow. Everything is fine healthwise, but my insurance hasn't given authorization for treatment as a part of the study.
So, once they tell me everything is a go then I'll look at my calendar and their availability to determine a start date and will let you know.
I really believe that it is a good thing that it won't happen this week, because I'm just now feeling good after the last drain was removed a couple of weeks ago and the port was put in last week. Had kind of felt like I had been run over by a truck until today. So, I maintain that God's timing is perfect timing--He's never late, He's always right on time. He's arranging everything so I'll get just the right nurse and the right people will be put in my path who He wants me to meet.
Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. I have really felt them and my spirits have been lifted high.
Anita (Nikki)

And instead of a picture today, I'll just tell you a favorite characteristic of my mom....I love her positive attitude!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your mom's treatment went well. And I agree - her optimism is infectious - I love that she's bold too and will tell you things just like they are. I am praying for her and your family and I hope all is well!