Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Happy Mother's Day!

I had a great Mother's Day! Although I didn't get to see my own mom, I got to celebrate it with two moms I really admire--Dave's mom and his grandmother! Last year we spent Mother's Day weekend in Waco with them. This year they drove up and visited us! We all went to Outback Steakhouse and ate our fill on Saturday night, and the next morning we went to church together! It was a lot of fun! Dave/Katelyn got me a beautiful pink tulip plant and some Ghiradelli dark chocolate with raspberry filling...be still my heart! Dave also gave me the day "off" from some typical mommy duties...he made me lunch when I got home from teaching the two-year-old Sunday School class, he gave Katelyn a bath and got her ready for bed that night (we normally alternate nights, and he did it two nights in a row!!), and to top it all off, he agreed to rent and watch the ultimate chic flick, "Bride Wars," on Sunday night. Dave is also watching Katelyn this Friday night so I can go to our church's women's retreat. This will be my first night away from Katelyn! I get to stay the night in hotel (rooming with three of my friends from church!) and spend time hanging out and being refreshed with other women! Thank you Lord for blessing me with my husband!

On another note, I am so glad to report that my mom's chemo treatment last Thursday went great! Her next one is scheduled for Monday, June 1st. This will be her fifth treatment out of six, so she's almost done!! Thank you for your continued prayers! I am so thankful for my mom and the many things I continually learn from her! Mom-thanks for being so awesome!

Here are some pictures from our Mother's Day weekend! Enjoy!

Great Grandmother, Katelyn, and Granny

Granny and Katelyn (after Katelyn woke up from her nap)

"The Kiss"


Brittany said...

oh man, i love ghirabaldi chocolate!

dabradberrys said...

what a precious kiss!

Glad you had a wonderful mother's day! Love, MOM